It's a really, really bad situation, I would NEVER advise anyone to gamble at this casino. They simply take your money without even 15 minutes worth of mild entertainment. They are astonishingly tight, you get no playtime out of them. The variety of slots looks good, until you realize that they are simply the same slots you'd find anywhere, just in greater quantity (hint to Snoqualmie management: 3 banks of the same slot machine does not equal variety). The slots are, simply put, among the very worst in Washington State. The whole place simply reeks of soul-sucking disappointment. We cut or visits down to every other month, then once every 4 months, and now.we don't go there at all.
However, over the last couple of years, the casino has become increasingly tighter. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost no big deal, it's a casino after all. Each time we went, we'd bring about $500 each to spend while we were there. My partner and I used to go to this casino at least once a month.